District Panchayat Office
- The Government of Telangana have introduced “Telangana Panchayat Raj Act, 2018 (Act 5 of 2018)”.
- For better administration and good governance, villages with small population, tribal thandas & habitations which are far away from the existing Gram Panchayats have been formed as new Gram Panchayats. (38) new Gram Panchayats have been formed in Hanumakonda Dist.
- Hanumakonda District is consisting of (12) Mandal Parishads and (208) Gram Panchayats.
Panchayat Secretaries:
- For better administration of the Gram Panchayats, the Government have decided to appoint Panchayat Secretary to each and every Gram Panchayat. In Hanumakonda District, (132) Junior Panchayat Secretaries were appointed.
Gram Panchayat:
- The Gram Panchayats are providing various civic amenities to the Villagers like Sanitation, Street Lighting, Protected Water Supply and etc.,
- To develop each and every Gram Panchayat as a Model Village,
- Nurseries were established in all the Gram Panchayats for growing of Plantations for supply to each and every household, for avenue plantations and also for community plantations. In Hanumakonda District (208) Nurseries were established. (32,46,356) No’s of Plants were supplied.
- To create green atmosphere in the villages and for shade, Avenue Plantation was taken up on (5317 kms length), plants were planted on road side.
- To maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the Villages, all the wastage from household is being collected duly segregating at source (i.e., Dry Waste & Wet Waste) and transported to Segregation Shed.
- For proper transportation of Wastage, Tractors, Trolley were purchased in all (208) Gram Panchayats in the District. For watering the plantations, (208) Water Tankers were also procured in the Gram Panchayats of Hanumakonda Dist.
- Wet Waste is being used for preparation of Compost (Vermi Compost) which is used in Nurseries, Plantations and for sale in the Gram Panchayats. (37637 kgs) Vermi Compost was generated in the Gram Panchayats.
- Earlier, there were no Crematoriums in the Gram Panchayats (except in few major Gram Panchayats). People faced hardships in performing last rites for the deceased. To avoid all these problems, the Government have decided to establish Crematoriums in all the Gram Panchayats. Accordingly, (208) Crematoriums were established in all the Gram Panchayats in the District.
- Palle Prakruti Vanams (Village Parks) were established in almost all the Gram Panchayats of Hanumakonda District.
- Main source of the Gram Panchayats is the tax collected on houses, business trading and from various permissions obtained from Gram Panchayats.
- Apart from the own resources of the Gram Panchayats, the Government is releasing grant for taking up developmental activities in the Gram Panchayats.
- State Finance Commission Grants and Central Finance Commission Grants are being released to all the Gram Panchayats. Approximately 4.48 crores per month is being released from the Government to the Gram Panchayats in the District.
- During the Financial Year 2022-23 (April to March, 2023) an amount of Rs.23.77 Crores (Rupees Twenty Three Crores Seventy Seven Lakhs) have been released under State Finance Commission.
- All these funds are being utilized for various development activities in the Gram Panchayats and for providing basic amenities like Sanitation, Street Lights, Roads and Side Drains to the people. Apart from this, these funds are also being utilized for the maintenance of Nurseries, Palle Prakruthi Vanaalu, Avenue Plantations, Segregation Sheds and Crematoriums.
- Under Deen Dayal Upadhyay Panchayat Satat Vikas Puraskar Awards, District Level Awards were given to (27) Gram Panchayats, who secured top three positions in (9) categories prescribed by the Government and Penchikalpet Gram Panchayat of Athmakur Mandal was awarded at State Level in the category of “Women Friendly Panchayat”.